

It ain't no joke.

It has been a pretty ruff 6 days.

You know you've got issues when...

You are simultaneously eating your food and viewing images of gangrenous necrosis, hemorrhage, inflamed intestinal tracts, and parasitic life stages.

You literally begin to SING your study material. "Bunostomum", a seemingly ordinary, large animal parasite is now turned into a "Bunostomum, the rastaman" rap [using a Jamaican accent of course] and every time you see "Cooperia" you start singing Salt n' Peppa's "Shoop" replaced with "Coop".

Yeah, that's when you know you have issues...

But I have issues for a reason. I had to cram in a months worth of Pathology material in a 3 day span for the test we had yesterday. It wasn't my most graceful moment, but I'm hoping for the best! I have a parasitology exam tomorrow that covers over 40 different parasites - names, preferred hosts, location in host, life cycles, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, how they look under the microscope...I'm just praising God that we're allowed to use our reference manual for the lab exam, and that the test is multiple choice/matching this time around. It has just been a lot of cramming, which I really never do because it makes me insane! Wah wah wah.

I know it will all be worth it though, and I haven't lost my love for what I'm learning. But sometimes a gal needs a break!

Second year of vet school...

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