

Year One...done!

I can't believe it's over. Every year of school goes faster and faster! Only ONE more year until I do my first surgery and only two more years until I'm in clinics acting like a real doctor. Seriously freaky.

I have to say I really enjoyed first year. I liked first semester way better than second (I'm partial to dogs rather than large animals) but it was really neat to dissect over 10 different animals this semester! I set a goal to get straight A's this semester and I met that goal!

I know a few pre-vet people read this, so my word of advice is never, ever get behind. Seriously. It can be painful to make yourself keep up because sometimes you just need a break (you should definitely take breaks though), but if you do a "little" each day, you will be fine. And never put sleep last. All night-ers are not necessary if you just keep up! By the way, if you have a specific topic you'd like me to post about, feel free to leave it in the comment section. It can be anything - undergrad advice, applications, which schools you should apply to....whatever! I'll probably be making these posts throughout the summer anyway, but if you pre-vets have special requests I'd love to help you out!

Anyway, we had an awesome end of the year party to celebrate. The whole backyard was decked out in lights and tiki torches, a sweet bar, ice luge, games to play, a fire pit, and a bbq. Inside there were more games, food, fun music, and good people. I had an awesome time kicking off the summer with my classmates. The next morning I headed out for the drive home with Monica and two second years. It actually wasn't a bad drive at all, I was expecting it to feel a lot longer than it did but we put on audio books and just cruised. I had Rhyley in my lap the entire time and occasionally she really got on my nerves (panting, fidgeting, etc) but she was a lot better than she was when we drove to California thank God. Now that she's driven cross country once, and half the country twice maybe she's finally used to it?!

It feels so good to finally be home relaxing! I literally stayed in my pajamas ALL DAY yesterday, totally cool with it. And today I worked out, dyed my hair, laid out by the pool, watched the Ru Paul's Drag Race marathon...yes, this is the life.

One more day of relaxing and then I'm heading to Orlando to catch up with friends Thursday and Friday, and then I'll be in Fort Lauderdale for the weekend. So excited!

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