

One Week Down...

I made it through the first week! The days are really long, but I don't dread studying like I used to. Most of the material (except for Phsyio) is stuff that I actually want to learn, so that makes it a little easier to hit the books.

Thursday felt like it would never end...3 hour lab in the morning, hour lecture, lunch, another hour lecture followed by another 3 hour lab! Integration was pretty cool though, during each lecture we have a case presented to us that allows us to apply information that we're learning in our other courses. The topic was "complications associated with lateral fabellotibial suture surgery for cranial cruciate ligament injury in dogs"...I loved it! After school I went to dinner with my sophomore buddy and a few other freshman-sophomore pairs at So Long Saloon. The food there is delicious, and it was fun getting to know everyone!

Friday morning I headed over to the teaching hospital, originally hoping to go to internal medicine rounds. However, everyone was in surgery so I went to endoscopy to get a peak at the procedure. It was awesome! I don't think I'm allowed to post the details on here, so I won't...just to be safe. After that I saw an x-ray of a dentigerous cyst in a dogs mouth, watched a dog in underwater treadmill therapy, and had yet another tour of the hospital. It's so big that it will probably take months to finally know where everything is...haha. All in all I had a good time :) My elective on Friday (cognates), however, was NOT at all fascinating. I was so restless because of how bored I was - I kept shifting my sitting position, stretching, trying to find things to occupy my mind otherwise I would have fallen asleep! It was literally torture :( I also had to get my 2nd rabies vaccine, which I think may have also made me a little sleepy. It also killed my hurts so bad to move or lift it! Only one more to go, thank the Lord.

Random side note of the day...there were these morons racing their motorcycles in the parking lot of the stadium (which is pretty much across the street from my apartment), so all I could hear all afternoon was revving engines! So annoying...some people need to get a life.

Anyway, I've basically studied all day, reviewing information from each class from this week, focusing on the bones of course. I definitely need to get a head start on the skull...I don't even want to think about how many foramina there are!

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