You guys...I touched a cow for basically the first time this week! And as it turns out, I'm a little scared of them...and I am not kidding, more scared of them than I am of ALLIGATORS! Give me an 8 footer any day over a cow! Ugh, I am dreading my month long food animal rotation this fall. Don't get me wrong, cows are super cute and I will never eat them, but I also never want to touch them. I did get a kick out of listening to the heart and rumen (especially when they tubed her and I heard bubbles in the rumen), but other than that I mostly watched everyone else do the more hands-on activities. I really don't know why I'm scared of them. I guess the fact that I feel so small next to them contributes to the fear, and they kind of just fling their bodies and heads around everywhere. But then again a killer whale is a whole lot larger and more dangerous, yet fear of them at all! Sigh. Maybe I'm just weird :) But really, is this not terrifying?!?!

On a less scary note, I also built my first snowman this week! It was on my bucket list, so I feel a little more complete now that I've checked that off. She turned out slightly skinny...she just wasn't blessed with the curves that most snow-women have, hahaha
Harriet :)
Morgan's snow dragon. Kiiiiind of amazing.

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