I decided that I should probably make a post about vet school, rather than all the random dramas of my so-called life... :)
I sometimes find Micro Anatomy to be absolutely ridiculous. I am extremely OCD so when professors aren't organized, I get a little antsy. The syllabus is kind of all of the place, from liver cells to kidney cells, to skin cells and bone cells....it doesn't have much logic (though I will say it is starting to flow a little better now, thankfully!) Although I do enjoy looking at slides, I have an overwhelming amount of information to study for the exam which is in a few weeks.
We have begun our canine dissection in Anatomy lab. I have never dissected a dog before, but after teaching anatomy lab in undergrad, I would say that I'm pretty skilled at the art of skinning, cleaning fascia from muscles, and all of that fun stuff, so it has definitely come in handy! That lab is also really disorganized and frustrating. In undergrad, we learned muscles of the entire body, with one side of the cat showing superficial muscles and the other side deep muscles. Once we took that exam, we removed the muscles and learned the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as the organs. In this lab, we're doing limb by limb, and had to actually remove the forelimb from the body. I can't understand how severing muscles is going to help me learn them? Seeing everything connected together seems much more logical, so I'm having a really hard time adjusting. Despite that, I am enjoying learning about canine anatomy, especially since I can apply it to my own pet!
After my test I stopped by Walmart to pick up a few things, and decided to get my glasses adjusted at the vision center. Bad decision. They weren't fitting very well on my right ear, and now they're even worse! They're super crooked unless I rig them to sit a certain way, grr. Later I got my last rabies vaccine (which is definitely by far the worst in terms of how sore my arm is!). I am so glad that is over with! After class I rushed home to be there for the carpet cleaning person. He did a pretty dang good job on removing most of the old stains. I feel much better :) Once he was gone, the maintenance man finally came (after a week of no a/c) and fixed everything back to normal. My apartment is actually below 85 degrees now, something to celebrate I'd say.
Now that I feel like I'm in the groove of things, I can finally get a conductive schedule set. I need to start working out, going to church, planning activities for Rhyley, making time to go to the teaching hospital, and studying just a little more effectively because things are about to get real crazy!
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